TORINO the first Italian capital: (one day minimum to visit). 56 km from Bagnolo, one hour fare.

  • Palazzo reale
  • Palazzo Madama
  • Museo Egizio
  • Museo Arte Orientale
  • Armeria Reale
  • Borgo Medievale del Valentino
  • Il Duomo
  • Shopping in Via Roma
  • Walk in ancient town around Dome and City Hall

PINEROLO : at 17km from Bagnolo. To see:

  • The Duomo (Cathedral)
  • San Maurizio church
  • Madonna delle Grazie
  • shopping and walk under arcades and ancient town


at  7 km from Bagnolo, go to Cavour direction Saluzzo, a charming romanic Church and cloister.

STAFFARDA : on the way to Saluzzo, 15 km from Bagnolo the cistercensian Abbey of Santa Maria, found in 1135 , all round  a middleage village.

SALUZZO  To see:

  • S. Giovanni church
  • The ancien town hall with its tower
  • S.Giovanni’s church
  • Civic museum Casa Cavassa
  • The Cathedral
  • Beautiful walk in the high town
  • Shopping under the arcades

CASTELLO DI MANTA: on the way to Cuneo, a few km. from Saluzzo.

To visit the fortress, the frescoes, nice bookshop.

CASTELLO DI RACCONIGI: a 20 minutes fare from Bagnolo, one of the most rich and interesting royal palaces. To see:

  • The castle
  • The park


From Bagnolo direction Cuneo  valleys and mountains are to discover joiningby car, but also for bike and walks.

VALLE BRONDA: the smallest valley around Saluzzo offers beautiful landscapes and a lot of art:

  • The castle in Castellar
  • San Ponzio’s church
  • The abbey  of SS. Piretro e Colombano

VALLE PO: from the high Monviso mountain comes the PO, longest and largest Italian river. To see:

  • REVELLO small nice town – Marquises’ Chapel –  Collegiata Church
  • SANFRONT build in the rocks houses “Balma Boves”
  • OSTANA typical mountain village in ancient stone buildings.
  • CRISSOLO point of departure of all walks to Viso mountain – Pian del Re, Pian della Regina to discover the river PO source.

VAL VARAITA:  beautiful walks in the high mountain, ancient forest, traditional fairs and feast in summer: to see

  • SS. Filippo e Giacomo Church in  Verzuolo
  • Assunta Church in Venasca
  • The Valmala sactuary
  • BELLINO stone alpine village, collections of picket sundial, astonishing!
  • PONTECHIANALE artificial lake
  • CHIANALE S. Antonio e S. Lorenzo churches.

VAL MAIRA:  the most wild and artistic valley. To see :

  • VILLAR SAN COSTANZO the S.Peters chuch and the “ciciu oasis”, Sanctuary of San Costanzo.
  • DRONERO, nice vacation town, shopping and walks
  • ELVA exceptional- frescoes from the master Hans Clemer 1460.
  • STROPPO S:Peyre’s church

VAL GRANA: small and silent valley. To see:

  • CARAGLIO the historical center and the silk industrie
  • MONTEMALE the castle
  • MONTEROSSO S. Sebastiano’s  Chapel and the Combouscuro valley
  • VALGRANA frescos on the city walls and the main church
  • CASTELMAGNO:  S.Magnus Sanctuary, the best well know mountain cheese.

THE “LANGHE wine district” most charming landscape, villages, castles, and wine producers cellars to visit. At 75 km, from Bagnolo. Suggested a “one day tour”. To see:

  • The hills and villages
  • ALBA
  • BRA


Going out of property from gate turn left, 10 km up to mountains, the  Infernotto valley, peaceful and silent.

to discover

PRA D MILL the Cistercensian MONASTERY build onan ancient mountain village, Church, cloister, chapel, modern architecture in stone and wood.

MONTOSO & RUCAS the winter sports village and deep in the mountains belly hundred of granit stone mines. Astonishing point of vew , mountains walks.

BARGE: at 5 km from Bagnolo i san ancient city, beautiful middleage buildings and palaces, arcades, churches, and shopping around in old and small shops. Food, meat, cheese, and shoes.

Monte bracco view on Monviso mountain and valLey, ancient monastery, nice trattoria simple and good food.